Friday, August 12, 2016

August 11 to Amsterdam NY and August 12 to Waterford NY and the end of the Erie canal.

 This very large chair as we were leaving Little Falls was interesting. We are all in God's hands.
 Each lock has an info sign that tells how far to the next lock and how many feet the drop or rise is within the lock. Over the entire length of the Erie Canal (34 locks) the boat dropped a total of 348 feet.  Most of ours were falls and we found them to be easier than the rises that we did. When we get done as you will see our elevation is 15 feet. So we had to lower the boat by 348 feet at this point
 Jennie put your finger in the holes the wall is leaking.
 We had a system and it worked well. It is a long way down some of them.
 The gates do leak some, but the pressure has to be unbelievable. 
 This one did not have the usual door, instead it had a gate that went up.

 This is how it looks as you pull into the lock. You see that the water below is much lower.

 A lot of the locks were in conjunction with a dam. We followed the Mohawk river for a long way. At times we were in the river and then other times on a canal beside the river.

 Fred did a great job driving the boat. He never seemed to get excited or scared at the locks. Fred heard from his great uncle Henry that we should be careful because we were getting into snake country. He also said stop by when we get to Waterford, NY

 We pulled into this lock and we could see the dam beside us. When we did get back into the river there was a good current.

 We stopped at Amsterdam, NY for the night. Nice dock and a good park on the canal.
 This is the "Painted Rocks of Amsterdam"
 You can see the boat at dock.
 Fred flew over the trees to get a better look around, Nice job Fred.
 Fred did this one too, looking down the river that we would be heading.
 Uncle Henry was right we had a snake on board hunting for Fred
 He was HUGE.
 We used the boat hook to get him off the boat and he curled around the boat hook. When shook he took off like a rocket in the water. Fred's uncle told us to watch out. Fred is looking forward to seeing his uncle in Waterford.

 Another case when the lock was just beside the water falls.
 This one is typical. 
 Sometimes you take a picture that is just beautiful. Becky took this one.
 We had many visitors, this one was not a problem.

 Kids in a rowing school. They all waved.
 Nice water falls.

 And another.
 On the right is the lock and on the left behind that buoy is a falls as it looks from the top. It looks like an endless pool. 
 Here is another look at the falls after we went in the lock.

 This is the same falls from the lock.
 A lot of nice places along the Mohawk river.
 Double bridge going across the Mohawk river
 As we approached the last series of locks there is a gate that has to be opened. They keep it closed so that if there is a large rain the water will go over the dam which was just to the right. 

 This was the second time we had to wait for a lock or gate very long. The same guy that runs lock 5 runs this gate and he had to drive to the gate to open it. The wait was about 30 min.
 You can see a little white building down the canal from the gate. That is lock 5

 Interesting boat with lee boards docked between locks. 

34.5 feet to the bottom, a long way. Some of the locks were only 8 feet.

 Nice looking building in Waterford, but empty.

 We docked at the canal museum just down from lock 2. There is no lock 1, I think they combined them. You can see our mast on the left and the boat coming out of the lock. There are two small boats with us at the dock both from Canada. Last year both of these boats came south and went to the Bahamas. One is a young man and the other a young woman. They met in the Bahamas and now are boy friend and girl friend. They are on the last leg of their journey back home. 
Fred was so happy to see his uncle Henry. 

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