The day the boat was being shipped lined up with Zach and Corbin not having school. So we rented a room with an inside pool and everyone had a ball.
Becky and Corbin seeing a shark.
Zach playing with a fish and Corbin giving Grandma a lecture.
Our boat made it to Sandusky. It is amazing to see your boat go down route 4.
Stuck in traffic, it looks like it will not fit under the wires.
Going down Main Street where the clock made out of flowers it located.
All wrapped up.
A lot easier to do this when there is no mast. It will be put back on in June.
Becky is putting on the final touches.
Everything is almost done.
The front looks tight and should do well during the winter.
The van (Frosty) is loaded to the roof and Tweety is ready to start our slow trip to Florida. We Started on Oct 3rd and plan to be in Punta Gorda by Becky's birthday the 19th.
Our first stop was Old Man's Cave in southern Ohio. This is our favorite place in Ohio for hiking. We have been here many times, but almost 45 years ago we spent a day of our honeymoon here. (We had a weekend honeymoon, I had exams on Monday) The ironic part is Tweety was new that year, 1971.
Funny how things work out.
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