Jodi, Tyler, Zachary and Corbin visited us on the Chesapeake for a few days and we took them swimming.
Zach was not too sure of jumping in for a while.
Old man at the wheel, it is a bare boat.
Day two we drove to Baltimore to go to the National Aquarium.
Jodi and the boys getting a close up look at a stingray.
Cute little monkeys
More Monkeys.
Australian display with Rainbow lorikeets.
This little guy wanted his picture taken too.
Nice displays of many different items.
Notice the pink tummy, she is happy to show off.
Trainer and dolphin hanging out.
They seem to love to perform.
Day three off to Annapolis.
The boys and mom are having a good time.
Captain Corbin at the wheel.
He is serious, too bad he can not see where he is going.
Zach and Corbin slide at the shark fest.
They loved the bugeye boat that they could play on.
Captain Corbin at the wheel again
Blue Crabs were picked up on the way back to the boat and Becky prepared them. UMMMM
Dolphin just off the starboard side of the boat.
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