Thursday, June 2, 2016

Wye Island Exploration

 We loaded the Bikes into the dingy, yes a little tight. We did not have far to go.
 You can see Mast Confusion down the creek. We think the known hazards are jelly fish, which are not here yet
 Mast Confusion will hopefully be good.
 Old man riding toy bike. Actually they ride like big bikes.
 At our age you kind of worry about these guys. We saw a lot of wild life. A Fox came across the road on his way to Grandma's house and just stood there and looked at us. 
 Honeysuckel was growing everywhere. Nice aroma to add to our ride.
This one was going straight up this large tree.

 Not sure what to think of this guy. Nice to know where he is, but when we came back he was gone. We did see one swimming close to the boat.
 The road ended so we rode a trail down to where the ferry used to cross to the mainland. Becky and I liked this trail a lot.
 It was about a mile and half of Osage Orange trees making a canopy over the trail. 
 Becky got excited when she saw the rope swings that someone had rigged up and had to try it.
 You could go from one to another. I had to promise not to show the third shot.
 Ok, here is the fourth shot. Notice the nice homes across the Wye River.
 Our trusty steads waited at the beach to go back up the trail.
 One the way back I almost ran over this toad. So we stopped to get his photo.

 Wild strawberries and honeysuckle were everywhere.
On the island there is a tree that is almost 300 years old. It is standing straighter than us.
 I have never seen a Holly tree this big.
 This sign looked to be 20 years old.
 We cut it down and counted the rings, it was only 299. Actually this was a tree very close to the Holly tree that you can see the rings clearly.

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