Saturday, May 28, 2016

Mast Confusion maiden voyage 2016

 Since we have 600 boats in our marina you can imagine what the traffic is like to get to the bay. Actually it is not too bad.
 One of our dock neighbors, All Together,  is heading out too.
 Another pic  of them, they are a really nice young couple with two young children.
 Cute first mate adjusting the jibe
 I counted 48 sailboats out here today
 Our neighbor again.
 Motoring into the harbor.

 Many nice homes in the area.
 Two guys crabing. We have to get us some. They are yummy
 Another view of the crabbers, It really does not take much to catch them.
There is always a parade going in and out of the harbor.

 Six hundred boats dock at Harrington Harbour North. We are proud to be just one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. The area looks beautiful! Hope we get a chance to come your way in September!
