Saturday, May 28, 2016

Mast Confusion maiden voyage 2016

 Since we have 600 boats in our marina you can imagine what the traffic is like to get to the bay. Actually it is not too bad.
 One of our dock neighbors, All Together,  is heading out too.
 Another pic  of them, they are a really nice young couple with two young children.
 Cute first mate adjusting the jibe
 I counted 48 sailboats out here today
 Our neighbor again.
 Motoring into the harbor.

 Many nice homes in the area.
 Two guys crabing. We have to get us some. They are yummy
 Another view of the crabbers, It really does not take much to catch them.
There is always a parade going in and out of the harbor.

 Six hundred boats dock at Harrington Harbour North. We are proud to be just one of them.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mast Confusion is getting ready for splash down

 This has nothing to do with the blog, but this is Becky with her Mom and brother and sister.
 Ok you have a bad battery that weights 145 pounds and is in the locker that is six feet deep. How do you get it out.It was not easy. Replaced with two batteries that weigh 65 pounds each.
 This thing was a monster.
 Becky coming down out of the boat, the boys are coming to put the boat into the water.
 I just had this done in Florida, but it was orgainized here, it was scary in Florida.
 Within two minutes this crew had it up an going.
 Here it comes.
 We are waiting at the well.

About to splash down.

Mast Confusion floats again.

She loves it at it dock. Ready to go on an adventure to I do not where.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

 Our trip included a stop to see Becky's Mom who will be 88  on May 27th
 We got to come to the May birthday party with twins singing and cake.
This is what happens when you do not clean up your house. We sold this mobile home in our court to a person for $16,500 almost two years ago. It was very nice and we spent a month renovating it. Just bought it back for $2,250 and our son-in -law Tyler Smith is going to renovate it again. It is hard to believe how people live. Actually this is one of the better rooms.
 We could not miss Jodi and Tyler's son Corbin flag  football game. He just turned four May 7th.
 We also attended Zach's judo class. He was learning how to flip the girl. 
 Mast Confusion was still covered when we got to Deale Md. and looked good.
 We were a little worried because we had deep snow, but all is well.
 A little dirty, but no leaks.
We may be able to use the tarps again.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Start of the Endless Summer

 The end of the perfect season at Windmill Village with the Kentucky Derby party. Our friends Jennie and Henry Cardwell did a great job of organizing. We had a blast.
 Our first night out was a total of 30 miles away at Ocar Shearer State Park. We like the sites and during the week it was very nice.
 Our site was very private and we only had a few visitors, most were 4 legged.
 Stubby came by to see if we had any more peanuts and we did. He had a couple of other friends with him.

 The tree just of the left of the car had a bees nest, Pooh would have loved it.
 Our second night was at Steven Fosters State Park in northern Florida. It sits way down  the Suwannee River.
 Nice gift shop and crafts available
 The Indians do demonstrations here in a little village.
 Old man on the river.
 We did not know that either.
 Alligator bait next to the river.
 Beautiful view down the Suwannee River.
 The park has a museum and the carillon bell that play every 15 minutes with longer songs four times a day. You can go inside and look at the displays and the machine that directs the bells is working when ever they play
 After a long day through Atlanta Frosty and Tweety are resting in a very nice campground call Harrison Bay State Park close to Chattanooga.
 The trailer down the hill is on the water.
 There are some big boats on this lake.
 Two old people in tall grass.
Finally a real boat.